Friday, January 7, 2011

Le premier jour

So I got in and they set me up in a hotel for the night because my host mother had a long standing party arrangement (I think I am going to like her) and asked for me to move in tomorrow instead.
So I set up in the hotel and then went back to the center to meet the other kids in my program. They all seemed really cool. I was just so tired that I went back to the hotel and passed out at 8! Who am I, my mom? Lol, jk, love you mamen!
Then there is today, my first full day in Paris. Well I woke up At 2 so it's not gonna be a late night, but hey, I am not on Paris time yet (though waking up at 2 here is 8pm on the US east cost so I dont know who's time I am on).
Things to do:
10h- tour of the hôtel de ville
4h- move in with host family
-get a French cell phone. Didn't think I'd need it but I already feel out of the loop.
-get outlet converters. Forgot to get these at the airport and my laptop is gonna die and I can't plug anything in.
-call Powell, I should let him know I am here.
Alright, let's go day 1!


  1. Should have asked Me'me for the converter. I am sure she has a few. Glad you arrived safe! I need Pictures!
    love ya
    Auntie Cathy

  2. Sweet, hope you have having fun william. cant wait to read all about yor adventure.

  3. French cell phone! Get some really annoying, touristy cell phone charm to put on it.
